I am pleased to present to you Ms. Elsie Andy from the Virginia Bureau of Insurance of the State Corporation Commission. Elsie has been with the Bureau for over 24 years. She is currently the Manager of the Life and Health Forms Division. She has moved up with the Bureau from an insurance examiner to principal to now a manager.
Prior to arriving at the Bureau, she worked for Aetna. At the end of college, an employment company sent her to Aetna, where she worked for over 20 years. She had various roles in the company from the claims administration office, then experience with processing auditing managed care plans, and provider management. This gave her a wealth of insurance experience. She then found a job with the HMO unit and then the company experienced a reorganization, and she was laid-off.
During this challenging period in her life, she gained a deeper understanding of the reality that, regardless of one’s proficiency, employers may find ways to complete tasks without relying on you. This experience instilled in her the conviction that one should always strive to give their best and perform to the utmost of their abilities. Surprisingly, the lay-off turned out to be a turning point for her, even though it took approximately a year before she secured a position at the Bureau. It was through an advertisement for an insurance examiner with the State Corporation Commission that she found this opportunity. It’s interesting how things fell into
place. Her initial supervisor had been employed at Aetna, and her subsequent mentor, Althelia Battle, also had been employed with the company.
Althelia Battle served not only as a supervisor but also became one of her most cherished individuals and a significant professional guide. Althelia was “absolutely amazing”; exemplifying leadership through both her actions and her kindness, always making time for others. One of the invaluable lessons Elsie gleaned from Althelia was the art of navigating through challenges. This tutelage greatly contributed to Elsie’s development as a more discerning thinker and adept problem solver. Elsie expresses deep gratitude for the supportive environment at the Bureau, where she is surrounded by exceptionally helpful colleagues.
Elsie attended James Madison College (yes, it was a college at that time) and then Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). She also holds multiple AHIP designations for HIA, Disability Income and since she is heavily involved with long-term care, she has taken those courses, as well.
Elsie’s upbringing was profoundly influenced by her family dynamics. She occupies the fourth position among five siblings, and the intricacies of sibling relationships never fail to captivate her. A significant aspect of her family’s story is her youngest brother, who was born with Down Syndrome. This circumstance had a profound impact on their family life. In response, her mother transitioned her career to become a counselor, specializing in assisting families with special needs children. Additionally, Elsie’s sister pursued and achieved a master’s degree in special education, dedicating her career to the education of children with special needs.
Elsie finds it surprising when she encounters siblings who speak disparagingly to each other. In her own family, such behavior was strongly discouraged; they never resorted to name-calling, like using derogatory terms such as “stupid.” Her mother insisted on a no-name-calling policy as it was strictly discouraged. (Any name calling was not done within parental hearing.) This instilled in Elsie a lasting lesson throughout her life about the importance of treating others with kindness and respect.
When she is not regulating insurance, Elsie likes to read. Her genre of interests are romance and murder mysteries. She also loves dogs and considers herself a “big goofy dog person”. She and her husband have two dogs: a lab and a golden retriever. She is a big supporter of the Humane Society and the ASPCA. She is also a “festive” person and likes to decorate her office cube and home for the various holidays. She typically puts out approximately 8-9 inflatables in her yard, depending on how much wattage they require. She regaled me with the story of when a 20-foot inflatable snowman came loose from its moorings, and she went chasing after it as it went rolling across the street due to the windy day. She has fun decorating for the holidays.
She also has volunteered at the local voting polls. This has really given her a better insight into the workings of voting and a greater appreciation for the people who volunteer. The day begins at 4:30am and they stay until the poll closes and everything is completed, which could be as late as 8:00pm.
She considers herself a “future retiree” and hopes to work about 6-7 more years. She is in the mode of teaching and transferring knowledge of her role to others. She is looking forward to being more active with the local humane society once she retires.
Elsie has presented for the AICP at the various conferences and Chapter E-Days. At the most recent AICP annual conference in Austin, she was on the View from the Top and other sessions. She really appreciates the organization and the way the members help each other.
Elsie loves her job at the Bureau. She especially loves the challenges she may face. She is very proud of the Bureau and the job it does to regulate and protect the consumers in Virginia. She truly believes you must do your best and do it to the best of your abilities. Be the best that you can be at everything you do!
Thank you, Elsie, and thank you for being a supporter of the AICP!
Respectfully submitted by,
Karen Crooks
[email protected]