AICP is now seeking nominations for individuals who want to join our Board of Directors in any of the following new board positions:

  1. Learning & Development Director who will oversee the development of educational content, the association’s designation programs, and administration of the scholarship program.
  2. Regulatory Affairs Director who will act as a liaison between the Association and state and federal regulators, fostering regulator engagement and managing committees that monitor laws and regulations impacting our industry.
  3. Event Oversight Director who will be manage various committees that plan annual conference, compliance schools, and regional events throughout the country.

For more detail, click on any of the above for a full description. Each position will generally have a two-year term, the Learning & Development Director will only have a one-year term initially in order to allow for staggering of these positions. Nominations must be received no later than June 30, 2024, in order to be eligible for consideration. To nominate yourself, please complete the nomination form here.

In the meantime, please reach out to Melissa Pomerene, Stacy Koron, or Nancy Campbell, AICP Past President if you have any questions. We’re here answer any questions you might have.

~The AICP Board of Directors

Open Positions and Nominations

It’s that time again! The AICP is seeking candidates for several national leadership positions. Members may nominate themselves if interested, or another member they feel is qualified and would benefit from the experience. As approved by the Board, nominations are now closed.

National Board Positions

Vice President (three-year commitment serving as Vice President, President, then Past President)

Treasurer (two-year commitment and is responsible for accounting for the AICP’s budget)

Regional Director – Region I: (two-year commitment and will represent Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York other than NYC metro, Rhode Island, and Vermont on the national board)

Regional Director – Region II: (two-year commitment and will represent Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York City metro, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington D.C. on the national board)

Benefits of Being an Officer

There are many benefits to serving in a leadership role for both members and their companies:

  • Leadership Development
    • Personnel Management Skills
    • Project Management Skills
    • Motivational Skills
    • Conflict Management
  • Education
  • Networking with Industry and Regulators
  • Increased visibility with State Insurance Departments
  • Opportunity to develop personal relationships with Commissioners as well as their staff


  1. Your nomination is considered complete when all required documents and information have been received. This includes:
    • Online nomination form
    • Employer Support Letter
    • Candidate Bio
    • Professional, high-quality headshot
  2. Orientation Call
  3. Approval of candidates by the board of directors
  4. Voting occurs
  5. Results are communicated

Important Dates

  1. Nominations close – June 16, 2024
  2. All required documents and information are due on – June 23, 2024
  3. The slate of candidates is presented to the Board on – June 26, 2024
  4. Call for elections, voting begins on – July 19, 2024
  5. Voting ends on – August 5, 2024
  6. Candidates are notified of the results on – August 7, 2024
  7. National Officers are sworn in during the annual conference on – September 17, 2024

Letter of Commitment from Employer

The Employer Support Letter will be emailed directly to you. If we do not receive it by the due date above, you will be disqualified from consideration. Employer commitment is essential to supporting your role within AICP.

Time Commitments and Responsibilities


  • The President shall perform all duties customary to the office; shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board; shall, with Board approval, appoint from the membership Chairpersons of committees as may be required; and shall preside at all meetings of the membership.

Vice President

  • The time commitment is consistent throughout the year.
  • This is a three-year commitment (VP, President, Past President).
  • The Vice President shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the President or Board and shall become President upon expiration or termination of the President’s term of office.
  • The VP may chair the Governance Committee and as Past President, you will chair the Nominating Subcommittee of the Governance Committee.
  • Serves as a member of the Executive Committee; attends Executive Committee meetings the evening prior to the Board meetings; may participate in Executive Committee conference calls, participates in voting for annual Lennon Award recipient.
  • Responsible for Volunteer Tracking.
  • All Committee Chairs report to VP – Organize quarterly Committee Chair calls.


  • The time commitment is consistent throughout the year.
  • This is a two-year term.
  • The Treasurer is responsible for all funds of the Association.
  • The Treasurer shall present an accounting of funds at the Annual Meeting of the Association.
  • The Treasurer shall prepare budget and present to Board for approval.
  • Serves as Chairperson of the Finance Committee.
  • Perform such other duties customary to the office and which the President or Board of Directors may assign.

Regional Director

  • The time commitment is consistent throughout the year.
  • This is a two-year term.
  • Member of one or more national committees. Will participate in virtual meetings throughout the year.
  • Represent the regions on the National Board. Regional Directors will ensure that committees are promoting education and networking activities in their regions as well as ensuring committees have sufficient member and regulator outreach in their region.

Other Things to Keep in Mind

  1. Board Meetings – As a member of the Chapter Outreach Committee, Regional Directors are expected to collaborate and provide chapter-specific information to be included in the committee’s quarterly board reports.
  2. AICP Travel Policy – The AICP will pay for National Board Members and Regional Directors’ airfare, hotel, and reasonable transportation costs to all National board meetings throughout the year, except those in conjunction with the annual conference. Expenses for meals or other costs incurred in board related travel are the responsibility of the board member. The AICP will pay for up to 2 nights’ hotel at the annual conference. If additional night stays are needed to attend any board meetings either before or after the conference, you must prearrange that with the AICP president.
  3. What do you need to do now?
    • Check campaign guidelines contained in this document
    • Read through job descriptions contained in this document
  4. Who should you contact to clear any communications sent to Membership?
    Nominating Chair, Nancy Campbell at [email protected]