Members, do you know about the AICP’s Student Engagement Committee? Created a few years ago, its mission is to develop and maintain relationships with higher education institutions in order to engage students in the pursuit of a career in insurance. It actively is doing this through
several means and seeks to expand in a broader sense by way of connections and resources, as well as actively engaging.
Some of the work that has been done by this committee, chaired by Ilana Kauffman, includes:
- Presenting and engaging with a number of colleges and universities that have risk
management and insurance programs for students; - Creating partnerships with undergraduate and law school programs, and high schools;
- Holding chapter events at colleges and universities, such as the Mid-Atlantic Chapter will
be holding their E-Day at Fordham school of Law in June 2023, with professors and
students in attendance; and, - Taping a series of podcasts geared towards basic insurance industry information, careers,
the AICP basics, etc. – check these out at
We have approximately 25 student members, including student liaisons from 5 different schools. We need your help in spreading the word and ensuring the strong, rich legacy of the AICP continues with the future of the profession, those graduating. If you know of a school program or student, let us know. We want to continue to find ways to show the new generation that insurance and insurance compliance are great career paths for those looking for an interesting, innovative industry to join!
Questions, reach out to Ilana Kauffman or Dan Cotter.