I’ll be honest. I’ve never written a blog before, so I have no idea how this will read, but I appreciate you bearing with me to the end. I promise to keep it brief, and relative and hopefully by the end you will find yourselves a little wiser about upcoming events for AICP.

I always find myself being very reflective as the Holidays wane.  I reflect on the Holiday season, the events of the previous year and the potential of the upcoming year. This year is no exception, except my reflection also includes thoughts on what the upcoming year means for AICP.

I’ve been a member of AICP for a long time and have watched it grow and evolve. The evolution has been impressive. From our first dozen members 40 years ago (!!) to over 1,000 members today, AICP continues to be the premier organization for Insurance Compliance Professionals.

Through the years, I’ve served on various Committees, the Board of Directors as a Regional Director, and am now as your President. This all has led to my network growing exponentially. The professional relationships that were initially created evolved into strong friendships.  I’ve watched AICP members do amazing things in the insurance industry. They guide discussions at the NAIC, they create model laws that enhance consumers protections and drive innovations to make the insurance industry evolve. They are subject matter experts and true leaders in their field. This is truly a group of impressive individuals.

To me, AICP is an opportunity. The opportunity to drive discussions. The opportunity to make changes, not just at an organizational level, but also at an industry level. The opportunity to truly make the world better by enhancing compliance. The opportunity to make a difference.

Our 40th Anniversary seemed like a perfect time to assess the organization and ensure that we are well prepared and aligned for the future. As such, AICP began a transformative restructuring in 2024 to promote growth and to provide additional educational and networking opportunities for our members.  I promise that the upcoming year will not disappoint!

We have nine Committee’s dedicated to ensuring that our members are truly getting everything out of their membership possible, and always exploring new opportunities.  These Committees are: The Finance Committee, Membership Committee, Brand and Marketing, Conference Planning, Learning and Development, Student Engagement, and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging.  We’ve also added two new Committee’s this year; Regulatory Inclusion and Events Coordinator.

Our Committees have been busy developing networking events in all of our regions to allow our members the opportunity to meet additional members, learn from other’s experiences and grow their networks, creating opportunities for additional student engagement for our future compliance leaders, developing cutting edge educational schools to enhance our compliance knowledge, creating additional opportunities for diversity and inclusion, and providing additional coordination with our Regulatory Counterparts. This all culminates with our Annual School in Baltimore Maryland!  These are just some of the exciting things that are happening this year and beyond.  Watch for additional communications about events in your area, or across the country that you may be interested in as well as on-line events and discussions.  To find out more about our upcoming events, click here: AICP Events

Please let me know if you have ideas about additional happenings that we should consider!

I’m grateful for what AICP is to me. I challenge you all to find out what a difference your involvement in AICP can make, and what AICP is to you.

I wish you all a New Year filled with abundance of happiness, good health, success and adventure.  And I hope that 2025 is one of your best years to date.


Holly Blanchard,
AICP President

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