I would like to introduce you to Mr. Mark Worman, Deputy Commissioner, Property and Casualty Division of the Texas Department of Insurance (“TDI”).

Background: Mark joined the TDI in 1996 as an Examinations Coordinator in the Title Insurance Division. He then worked on special projects for the Regulation and Safety Program. He served as a manager for the Commercial Lines Program and the Personal and Commercial Lines Office. In 2015, he became the associate commissioner for the Regulatory Policy Division. Since August 2018, he has been serving as Deputy Commissioner for TDI in the Property and Casualty Division.
Insurance Background: Before joining TDI, Mark worked for two insurance brokers, Alexander & Alexander Services Inc., and Jardine Insurance Brokers in San Francisco.
How did you come into the insurance business? What brought you to the compliance aspect of our work? Mark met his spouse when they attended Texas A&M University. She graduated before him and took a job in the San Francisco Bay Area. A longtime friend of her family was the Executive Vice President of Jardine Insurance Brokers in San Francisco. He asked if Mark would be interested in working for Jardine, and Mark jumped at the opportunity because he needed a job! Towards the end of his time in San Francisco, Jardine Insurance Brokers S.F. was bought by Alexander & Alexander, which was later bought by AON.
After moving back to Texas in 1996, Mark wanted to pursue a career in public service. He saw TDI was hiring and, given his background in the industry, he thought it would be a good fit. Twenty-six years later, he says it was the best career choice he could have ever made. He has had the privilege of working with smart, dedicated public servants every single day. He wouldn’t trade it for any other job.
Other Facts about TDI: Learn about common issues related to property and casualty filings, review recent legislation and TDI rules, and preview TDI’s upcoming projects by attending the TDI InsurED webinar on June 9, 2022. This is an opportunity for TDI staff to share information and tips with those in the insurance industry. Register by June 6, 2022, at https://www.tdi.texas.gov//InsurED/index.html
The TDI offices will be moving to the new Barbara Jordan Building in the capital complex later this Summer. Look for an open-house sometime this Fall.
Also, if there is anyone who would like to seek a position in public service, TDI has some positions that may interest you. Please visit the TDI website for more information https://www.tdi.texas.gov//jobs/index.html.
Formal Education: Mark received his Bachelor of Business Administration degree in management, with minors in accounting and business analysis from Texas A&M University.
What events in your life taught you the most? (What did it teach you)
Too many to list, he says, but there was a recent event that was an inspirational reminder to never quit, to never give up; two things we control every day are our attitude and our effort.
While attending his son’s middle school district track meet a few weeks ago, one of the last races of the day was the 1600 meters. All the runners in the event were finished when the last runner had about 150 meters to go. When he was on his last 100 meters and running past the stands, the crowd stood and cheered louder than they had cheered at any other time during the meet. Not because the runner finished first with a record setting pace, but because he never quit, he never gave up. This race made him think of President Teddy Roosevelt’s famous quote known as “The Man in the Arena” from his Citizenship in a Republic speech:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
So, from a 2022 middle school track meet to a 1910 speech by a U.S. President, he is reminded that every day we control our attitude and our effort. Every morning you wake up, get in the race, and never quit, never give up. At the end of the day, it’s your attitude and effort that determines how well you ran the race.
Who is/was your favorite personal or professional mentor? What did they do to impact your life?
One person that had an impact on Mark’s life early on was his first grade teacher, Ms. Taylor. She taught the class that they could do anything if they set their minds to it and if they worked hard.
What does AICP mean to you? You were at the annual conference in Denver – have you attended/presented at other annual conferences and/or at the chapter level?
He presented at the 2019 annual conference in Denver, the 2021 annual conference in San Diego, and is scheduled to speak at the upcoming 2022 annual conference in Miami, FL.
Compliance benefits all stakeholders. He says compliant policy forms and rates provide greater consumer protection and reach the marketplace faster because they require fewer changes after companies file them with the department. Presenting at annual AICP conferences have been a great opportunity to meet directly with insurance compliance professionals. He believes the AICP, and these events, give insurance professionals educational opportunities that will result in greater overall compliance.
Mark also believes that up-front development is important. The TDI is available to assist prior to a filing. He stressed that if a company has any questions to reach out to TDI early and often. Ask your questions prior to filing submission. It’s one of the reasons they are here, says Mark.
What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy doing when you’re not a state regulator?
When not regulating insurance, Mark enjoys spending time with his family, cooking, attending Texas A&M sporting events, fishing, and just being outside. Mark and his wife have two sons.
What other activities are you involved with outside of work?
Mark is a member of St Austin Catholic Church. He finds being involved in the church provides numerous opportunities to volunteer his time and also raise funds benefiting several charities within the community, including food pantries, services for the homeless, and adult job training and education.
Mark also sponsors a team each year for the annual Michael J Fox Foundation “Fox Trot.” Money raised from this event goes to fund research for Parkinson’s Disease.
Do you have a “Guiding Star” (i.e., a phrase or mantra that describes your outlook/approach to life)?
“There are no bad days, but some days are better than others.”
Another interesting nugget of information about Mark:
Mark’s grandfather was a carver on Mt. Rushmore. The sculptor, Gutzon Borglum, was a baseball fan and he was known to hire workers that were good baseball players so they could play on the Mt. Rushmore team. Mark’s grandfather got hired because he was a good baseball player. His grandfather worked primarily on the area between Presidents Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.
This is a picture of his grandfather, O.A. Worman, taken in the Spring of 1940. He was 25 years old. They just started down between Jefferson and Roosevelt from the very top of the heads to the bottom of Roosevelt’s chin.

Closing: Thank you, Mark, for sharing your professional and personal life with the members of the AICP. We look forward to seeing and hearing from you at the AICP annual conference in Miami, FL.
If you would like to contact Mark, he may be reached at [email protected]
Author: Karen Crooks