Welcome to Advertising Opportunities with the AICP!
The AICP serves the insurance compliance community by providing educational opportunities, exchanging information and promoting professional relationships within a dynamic regulatory environment. The AICP has a large and unique membership (links below) comprised of individuals representing all areas of the insurance compliance community including insurance companies, regulatory agencies and product or service providers. The AICP is dedicated to improving communications and relationships between the regulatory and insurance compliance communities.
Please click here to view our membership demographics, and here to view our regulator members.
The AICP offers advertising and marketing opportunities through:
- The Website
The Website is available to our members in addition to other visitors to the site. Our Site highlights AICP’s Key Supporters and offers Home Page exposure opportunities.
- The AICP Annual Membership Directory
The AICP Annual Membership Directory is published every March and distributed to our members. Hundreds of compliance professionals depend on our network and the relationships they build simply by being a member. Day-to-day functions often benefit from discussing with your peers or reaching out to someone at another company when certain situations arise. By advertising in our directory, you gain consistent visibility when people are specifically looking for assistance. You might be just what they need at that moment!
- The Journal for Insurance Compliance Professionals
The AICP newsletter, the Journal for Insurance Compliance Professionals, is published quarterly and distributed to our full membership. A recent sample Journal can be found on our website. If you are interested in advertising/marketing opportunities listed in our brochure, please Contact AICP.
More advertising and sponsorship opportunities exist at the AICP Annual Conference.
The AICP Annual Conference is usually held in late September or early October. This annual event draws together compliance professionals throughout the United States and Canada — from both the P&C and L&H arenas. Over 85% of the attendees are decision makers.
If your company provides services and/or products for the compliance segment of the industry, then this is a meeting you won’t want to miss!
Contact AICPÂ for an example of the sponsorship brochure from our most recent conference. Note the described rates, qualifications, and details are subject to change each year.
The Exhibitor/ Sponsor Information brochure is distributed to interested parties in early summer prior to the Fall Conference. Contact AICP to be included in the distribution for the next release of this brochure.