Saturday, October 28th
Compliance 101
Compliance 101 provides the “why” for insurance professionals who want to understand the compliance requirements encountered in their daily jobs – whether they are new to the industry, new to their role, or simply anyone who would benefit from a foundational understanding of how insurance regulation impacts our industry.
In addition to the value of the material presented, attendees and their employers will benefit from developing an immediate network of insurance compliance peers that will be vital to developing compliance best practices. AICP’s “Introduction to Insurance Compliance” is a great jump start for insurers who are striving to cultivate a “culture of compliance” throughout all business units in their companies.
Compliance 201/202
Compliance 201 and Compliance 202 build on the knowledge gained in Compliance 101 (Intro to Compliance) by delving more deeply into the individual topic the compliance professional will encounter on a day-to-day basis.
Both groups will share three sessions where subject matter experts share tips, tricks and truisms on Regulatory Compliance, Corporate Operations, and Consumer Privacy, Cyber Security & Information Technology.
Then participants will break up into sessions on Claim Administration and on Product and Underwriting for the Property and Casualty discipline or the Life and Health discipline. The course concludes with the certification test for the course.
Conference Registration
Sunday, October 29th
Compliance 101
Continuation from Saturday’s sessions
Compliance 201/202
Continuation from Saturday’s sessions
Conference Registration
First-Timers Meet & Greet
Breakout Session A
Property & Casualty Q&A
Dan Cotter, Howard & Howard
Sam Garro, Philadelphia Insurance Companies
Richard Koon, Koon Group, LLC
Laura Panesso, ISO
Keeping an Eye on Third Parties: TPA Monitoring and Audits
While insurance policy administration can be outsourced, compliance can’t. Carriers have a duty to ensure third party administrators acting on their behalf are in compliance, and regulators are watching too. Get tips for efficiently monitoring TPA compliance and hear about regulators’ top TPA concerns.
Becky Criswell, Americo Life
Daniel McAdams, Texas Department of Insurance
Build Your Brand: How to Navigate LinkedIn
LinkedIn has become an essential platform for professionals, offering immense opportunities for networking, career growth, and development. However, navigating the intricacies of LinkedIn can be a daunting. Learn proven strategies and techniques to maximize your presence and make meaningful connections within the insurance industry.
Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your career prospects and unlock endless opportunities on LinkedIn
Robert Eaton, Milliman, Inc.
Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Administering State-Specific Variations
A panel discussion of how Compliance revisions to insurance forms may pose technical configuration, claims adjudication, and marketing challenges for carrier operations.
Jennifer Aiello, Sydney Consulting Group
Maryana Grodnova-Ware, Nebraska Department of Insurance
Sheryl McDaniel, Allstate Health and Benefits
Refreshment Break Sponsored By RegEd

Breakout Session B
Reciprocals 101
This session will provide an overview of reciprocal insurance exchanges and will explore how these carriers are formed and structured. Speakers will also provide examples of compliance issues that often arise as a result of this unique carrier structure. Presenters will include Christian Brito, Of Counsel at Greenberg Traurig, and Fred Karlinsky, Shareholder and Co-Chair of the Insurance Regulatory and Transactions Practice at Greenberg Traurig.
Christian Brito, Greenberg Traurig, PA
Fred Karlinsky, Greenberg Traurig, PA
The Cannabis Conundrum
Normalization of adult use and medicinal cannabis continues to increase exponentially across the USA but the impacts are still TBD. Drug testing policies are evolving on a state-by-state, employer-by-employer basis and attempt to balance compliance with city, county, state and federal laws with the need for adequate staffing. The intersection of healthcare and insurance, whether workers’ compensation or group health or the VA, attempts to balance efficacy vs. evidence (both are subjective in many cases). Mark Pew has been writing, speaking and studying this confluence of circumstances since 2014 and will offer his unique understanding of the past, present and probable future for the role of cannabis in society.
Mark Pew, Work Comp College
Mental Health Product Offerings & Limitations
Many, if not most, states have adopted regulations regarding Mental Health Parity. More states seem to be applying Mental Health Parity requirements to supplemental products. How do insurers ensure compliance when it comes to excepted benefits? Examples: extending coverage for mental illness and/or substance abuse for hospital stays. Extending telehealth and physician office visits to include mental health.
Taylor Anderson, Prudential
Dan Jolivet, The Standard
Christin Kuretich, Voya
Ethics – Don’t Be Skittish About Ethics and Compliance
Join us for an engaging session where our presenters will walk through some real-life potential compliance and ethics issues, while an attorney will help to highlight the potential issues and pitfalls of the situations presented.
Claude Ducloux, Law Offices of Claude E. Ducloux
Susan Eckler-Kerns, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
Rona Platt
It’s Alive! The Hybrid – Life & LTC
We will continue our exploration into the nebulous world of the hybrid life and long-term care product as it evolves.
Robert Eaton, Milliman, Inc.
John Kelcher, Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Life, Annuity & Health Q&A
Laura Helvey, Milliman, Inc.
Dave Milligan, Athene
Welcome to Austin, Texas, Opening Reception
Young Professionals Reception Sponsored by Milliman

Monday, October 30th
Industry Partner Showcase
Peer-to-Peer Continental Breakfast
Breakout Session C
View From the Top – LAH
Cassie Brown, Texas Department of Insurance
Dean Cameron, Idaho Department of Insurance
Glen Mulready, Oklahoma Insurance Department
Wildfire/Lightning – Too Hot to Handle
We’ve brought together a panel of regulators from states across the country being directly impacted by increases in frequency and severity in wildfire and convection storms. Learn what states are doing to protect consumers and industry solvency. They will discuss a variety of wildfire and storm mitigation initiatives, communication and education plans, and the need for data collection to find trends and inform future decisions as the risk continues to evolve.
Andy Case, Mississippi Insurance Department
Elizabeth Howland, Texas Department of Insurance
John Kelcher, Washington State Office of the Insurance Commission
Insurance Compact
The Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission (Compact) is an invaluable speed-to-market initiative providing the opportunity for companies to file their products through the Compact for approval in multiple states in one filing, with one review. This session will provide updates on key initiatives and new filer guidance in 2023.
Joe Bonfitto, IIPRC
Karen Givens, IIPRC
Aimee Lawson, IIPRC
Karen Schutter, IIPRC
Best Practices for Property & Casualty Market Conduct Exams
This session will provide insights for managing, resolving, and successfully surviving market conduct exams for property and casualty insurers.
Holly Blanchard, RIA
Pieter Williams, RIA
Cyber Coverage – The Opportunities and Challenges of this Rapidly Evolving Risk
From identity theft to ransomware and beyond, cyber-attacks are occurring and evolving at a pace that far exceeds the abilities of insurers and regulators to keep up with coverage and necessary regulation. In this industry and regulator panel, you will gain insight into what we can expect in the short- and long-term future when it comes to cyber coverages.
Russ Galbraith, Arkansas Insurance Department
Sunmi Hirata, Beazley Insurance Company
How to Solve for Producer Compliance
Compliance professionals keep up-to-date with ever-changing insurance regulations – more than 250 changes in 2022 alone! As carriers work to stay compliant, they also work to ensure their producers stay in compliance too. And with regulators doling out more than $20 million in fines, there’s incentive to keep the entire distribution network in compliance. This session will address common compliance questions facing those tasked with compliance.
Crystal Darling, Agent Sync
Loni Eichner, WebCE
Refreshment Break Sponsored By FilingRamp

Breakout Session D
View From the Top – P&C
Cassie Brown, Texas Department of Insurance
Dean Cameron, Idaho Department of Insurance
Glen Mulready, Oklahoma Insurance Department
New York Has Been Busy, But What is Really New?
NYSDFS has been busy! Targeted and full combined exams, new regulations and interpretations can leave us wishing for a magic pill to make it easier. Sometimes it can feel as though it is impossible to move forward. We will talk about recent challenges and strategies to deal with recent developments.
Cailie Currin, Currin Compliance Services, Inc.
Kathy Donovan, Wolters Kluwer
Dental/Vision Network Filing Considerations
Discussion and direction on some of the more taxing Dental/Vision network filing requirements.
Karen Sabasteanski, Pacific Life Insurance Company
Brandi Waldner, Sydney Consulting Group
The Ins and Outs of Pet Insurance
In this session, you will learn about the benefits of both pet insurance and wellness plans for the average pet owner and how insurance differs from wellness plans. You will also hear from a regulator about the regulatory concerns that can impact your pet insurance filings.
Patricia Adams, Independence Pet Group
Michael Drummonds, Oregon Division of Financial Regulation
Ali Foxworth, Wagmo
Regulator Hot Topics – LAH
Take a magical mystery tour of Life & Health Hot topics. With evolving technologies and new entrants in the market, the insurance industry has seen a lot of change. Insurance regulation is changing too. Our panel will discuss how the challenges of these changing times are affecting the industry.
Maryana Grodnova-Ware, Nebraska Department of Insurance
Elsie Andy, Virginia Bureau of Insurance
Brittany Barnhart, Florida Office of Interstate Regulation
Maribel Castillo, Texas Department of Insurance
Rebecca Hill, North Carolina Department of Insurance
P&C Hot Topics
With the divisive political environment, evolving technologies, and new entrants in the market, the insurance industry has seen a lot of change. Insurance regulation is changing too. Our panel of regulators will help us understand how their states are meeting the challenges of our changing times.
Jeff Nash, The Nash Group, LLC
Andy Case, Mississippi Insurance Department
Ron Henderson, Louisiana Department of Insurance
Rebecca Nichols, Virginia State Corporation Commission
Mark Worman, Texas Department of Insurance
Buffet Lunch
Verisk Vendor Presentation – Compliance: What’s New, What’s Changing, and What’s Next
Whether you know us as ISO or Verisk, we’re here for you! Join us to hear about the comprehensive compliance solutions we offer including: forms/rules/loss costs, statistical reporting services, consulting, claims reporting solutions including Child Support Lien Services, OFAC, Medicare Secondary Payer, and more.

Breakout Session E
Regulator Round Table – LAH
Regulators Participating:
All Things California
California is one of the largest insurance markets in the U.S. and presents unique challenges for insurers, in both risk and regulation. We will share insight on recent developments in regulation of property and casualty insurance products and how the industry is responding, along with some hot tips and tricks on the filing process.
Kellee da Roza, Allianz Commercial
Lori Munn, AAIS
Golden State Update: What’s Trending in California
California can be a trendsetter, leading the way in regulating privacy, mental health care and access to healthcare in general. This session will look at recent regulations and more, giving us insight into not only what is happening in California, but what other states may be doing in the years to come.
Kate Morgan, Transcarent
Elizabeth Tosaris, Locke Lord, LLP
OFAC, What Now?
All organizations, regardless of industry, need to understand the rules and procedures in place when dealing with assets of certain foreign nations. OFAC is particularly relevant to the insurance industry, since a company violates OFAC if it issues a policy, receives a premium payment, facilitates a transaction or otherwise engages with any person or entity that is on the Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List (SDN). In addition, a company’s OFAC obligations do not stop with policyholders, but extend to many parties and entities in the transaction chain. OFAC has also demonstrated an interest in the insurance industry, including the overseas branches of U.S. companies. In 2020, OFAC issued its advisory, “Advisory on Potential Sanctions Risks for Facilitating Ransomware Payments” (the “OFAC Advisory”). This panel will address issues raised by OFAC especially in light of cyber-attacks.
Daniel Cotter, Howard & Howard
David Levine, Willkie, Farr & Gallaher
Personal Auto – The Use of Gender in Rating
Learn more about the positive and negative impact of the use of gender as a rating factor in personal auto insurance. Also learn more about how the ban on the use of gender as a rating factor in some states has impacted how personal auto insurance is priced.
Kristin Barrow, North Carolina Department of Insurance
Michael Goldman, Perr&Knight
Sharon Thornton-Hall, North Carolina Department of Insurance
Understanding Rate Filings for the Non-Actuary
Don’t be afraid to attend this session! Industry actuarial experts will be there to provide the concepts behind rate making and take questions along the way. They will help you understand more about expense exhibits, rate indications, and policyholder dislocation analysis. They will also touch on some state specific variations for supporting rates when your company does not have its own data.
Terri Hitchcock, Thimble
Billy Onion, Milliman Inc.
Erick Wright, Alabama Department of Insurance
Refreshment Break Sponsored By APCIA

Breakout Session F
Regulator Round Table – P&C
Regulators Participating:
Break the Spell of Money Laundering and Other Financial Crimes by Using Risk Assessments and Compliance Programs
Dealing with financial abuse and criminal activity involves more than money laundering. Tackling it requires risk assessments and strong risk-based programs. Those programs need the support of senior management. Ok, but what are some of the newer risk factors for financial crimes? We will talk about how to think about risk and how to build and/or strengthen a strong program.
Cailie Currin, Currin Compliance Services, Inc.
Christine Williams, Boston Mutual
Darla Grimes, National Western Life Insurance Company
Artificial Intelligence
NAIC update on survey results and working group, and general regulator discussion of how AI is being used by companies.
Jason Hochman,
Fred Karlinsky, Greenberg Traurig, PA
Credit-Based Insurance – An Overview of Personal and Commercial Lines
Credit-based insurance scores first emerged in the 1990s. In the following decades, credit-based insurance quickly became a widely used rating method by insurers, spurring several states to pass legislation surrounding its use. In this session, a panel of actuaries and regulators will discuss how credit-based insurance scores are utilized in both personal and commercial lines, why credit-based insurance is sometimes controversial, and how to navigate the various regulations put in place by the states.
Michael Goldman, Perr&Knight
Robert Zolla, Milliman, Inc.
Conjuring Compliance Through Compliance Training
Mandatory training for HO employees, producer training for independent producers, etc. Compliance internship program. Home office annual training, producer training, onboarding new product, UW Team (privacy, data), Anti-Fraud claims handling / agent reporting, Fraud & SIU.
Sean Cox, First Consulting & Administration
Lori DenHerder, Sammons Financial Group
Employer Workers’ Compensation Premium Fraud: The $25 Billion Gorilla
When it comes to workers compensation insurance fraud, the default assumption is claimant fraud dominates, making claimants the bull’s eye for investigations, prosecutions and policies battling fraud. In reality, employer premium fraud is far more costly to insurers and places the insurers at higher risk exposures. This panel will bring to light premium-fraud schemes and new data on the degree of employer premium fraud and the harm it is causing to insurers, workers (immigrant workers being frequently more endangered) and compliant employers. As an example, the focus will be on premium fraud in the construction industry. The panel will also encourage an open discussion with attendees on possible solutions to the problem.
Matthew Capece, Carpenter’s Union
Grace Nicholas, Texas Mutual
Compliance Over Cocktails
Tuesday, October 31st
Industry Partner Showcase
Peer-to-Peer Continental Breakfast
Breakout Session G
Regulatory Developments Related to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Considerations
The ESG movement continues to be a hot topic because it is the lens through which investors, regulators and other key stakeholders evaluate a company’s sustainability profile. ESG issues also arise in many areas of business, from structuring an impact-focused investment platform to diversifying boards to expanding considerations in the acquisition context. Companies face new risk factors today because of climate change, privacy and data security concerns, and regulatory pressures. In this session, the panelists will explore ESG developments in U.S. insurance regulation, with a particular focus on developments related to the management of climate risk and diversity/corporate governance at the NAIC and in certain states.
Marisa Matays, Willkie, Farr & Gallagher LLP
Nicole Zayac, Willkie, Farr & Gallagher LLP
AI/Big Data and Life Underwriting – Don’t Let it Drive You Batty
Predictive modelling, unfair discrimination, unfair bias. We’ll look at Colorado insurer requirements to provide information to the Commissioner concerning external consumer data and information sources. Will other states follow suit? What tools can insurer’s put in place to show consumer data and information sources are not discriminatory.
Russ Galbraith, Arkansas Department of Insurance
Cara St. Martin, Ladder Life
Monica Milner, LexisNexis
Gary Sanginario, LexisNexis
Update on Climate – It’s More Than Just a Dark and Stormy Night
Climate continues to be an important topic with ramifications on many insurer operations. The NAIC’s Climate and Resiliency Task Force has three work streams in progress for 2023 and access to insurance continues to be an issue across the country. What is the latest initiative from the NAIC? What key climate issues is the industry tracking? Come to our session and find out!
Lisa Brown, APCIA
Shaveta Gupta, NAIC
Paige Waters, Locke Lord
Explore the Rituals of Making Group Insurance Filings
Association approvals are becoming more challenging. DOI oversight is continuing to grow, and more states are questioning group status and requiring more documentation. What are some best practices and strategies for obtaining approval for Associations and Discretionary Groups?
Kelley McElreath, Lewis & Ellis
Eric Vieweg, Connecticut Department of Insurance
Opening the Black Box of Predictive Analytics
While sometimes controversial, predictive analytics are used throughout the industry as a way to predict the likelihood of losses occurring. The methodology used to develop them can be complex and misunderstood. This session brings experts to the table to discuss rate/rule filing aspects of predictive analytics, when is it considered a “black box”, and some of the considerations for determining the confidentiality of the data and its use.
Eric Hintikka, Texas Department of Insurance
Katie Pipkorn, Milliman, Inc.
Third-Party Litigation Funding
Third-Party Litigation Funding (TPLF) is a multi-billion-dollar (and growing) industry. This rapidly expanding practice presents several challenges for insurers, the legal profession, and policy makers. This session unpacks the nuts and bolts of TPLF, including new updates and watchlist items for your radar. Topics will include what is TPLF; discovery issues; ethics concerns, recent regulatory trends (including new TPLF laws in Illinois and Montana; and claims considerations.
Mark Popilizio, ISO
Business Meeting
- President’s Award/Lennon Award
- Convene National Business Meeting
- Transfer Of President’s Gavel
- Close National Business Meeting
Refreshment Break Sponsored By AM Best

Breakout Session H
Medicare Advantage Advertising Under Fire
Medicare Advantage has been getting the kind of attention no one wants from both state and federal regulators. Is it deserved? Is there compliant marketing? What makes for good Medicare Advantage advertising and what are the problems? What can be done to turn the reputational tide?
Ryan Blakeney, Mississippi Insurance Department
Cailie Currin, Currin Compliance Services, Inc.
Laurie Poulos, Tranzact
Corporate Transformation: Strategies for Successful Re-Domestication and Corporate Changes
This presentation will delve into the intricacies of insurance company rebranding, re-domestication, and other corporate changes. It will provide real life examples and experience from both the Carrier and the Regulator point of view. Whether your company is redefining their brand, changing their domicile, or experiencing any other corporate change; attendees will gain insight and best practices needed to successfully submit all of the necessary state filings.
Latif Amanzan, Texas Department of Insurance
Sean Cox, First Consulting & Administration
Brandy Hoffman, CUNA
Now You See It – Short-Term Care
Hiding in plain sight, this product isn’t an illusion. It goes beyond the world of long-term care insurance to focus on recovery, solving the caregiver puzzle, and product innovation. Join us as we discuss the value of a Short-Term Care product and explore some of the regulatory hurdles you may face getting this product approved.
Robert Eaton, Milliman, Inc.
Taylor McKinnon, Milliman, Inc.
P&C Emerging Issues
What keeps you up at night? Generative AI, neuro privacy, emerging chemical concerns… all of the above? Join us as we explore these and other emerging P&C risks.
Gregory Scoblete, Verisk
SERFF (Making Magic a Reality)
SERFFing through the modernization project. SERFF continues to undergo the modernization project designed to gain operational efficiencies while taking advantage of current technology and innovation opportunities. Join us for an update on what’s been done, and what’s to come.
Lauren Bandle, NAIC
Bridget Kieras, NAIC
Commercial Lines Deregulation – What Does it Really Mean?
What are the compliance implications of commercial lines deregulation efforts? This session will discuss the options carriers have when dealing with large commercial risks and prepare you for the inevitable questions from marketing and underwriting staff.
Sam Garro, Philadelphia Insurance Company
Roger Osgood, Chubb
Laura Panesso, ISO
Lunch with Friends
AAIS Vendor Presentation: The Open Road to the Future of Insurance
Learn about AAIS and how we are modernizing insurance with best-in-class advisory programs and advanced tools and technologies, designed to elevate insurance operations and fuel growth and efficiencies.

Breakout Session I
We Aren’t Afraid of Innovation (Annuity Product Updates)
What are the trends in annuity product development? What is driving innovation? Our panel will discuss this topic and provide insight from the actuarial, compliance and regulatory side.
Douglas Brown, Trilogy Actuarial
Shawna Pope, First Consulting & Administration
Eric Vieweg, Connecticut Department of Insurance
Lead the Way – Step Up and Step In
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Is this a risk for your company? Our session will provide key insights on steps to consider in assessing your current culture of inclusion, mitigating risk and assuring ongoing success.
Ron Henderson, Louisiana Department of Insurance
Lisa Leftwich, Zurich
Jeanette Dixon, Manning Kass
The Supernatural State of State Filings – Market Conduct Style
You will want to join this popular session and the chance to hear from state regulators. This session dives into the regulatory cauldron of Market Conduct Annual Statement (MCAS) filings and other market conduct issues, as each regulator discusses issues in their state.
Laura Bullard, Foresters
Essi Eargle, Texas Department Of Insurance
Paul Hanson, Minnesota Department of Commerce
John Kelcher, Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Maribel Castillo, Texas Department of Insurance
Catastrophe Modeling 101
Severe and catastrophic weather incidences are occurring more frequently across the country and catastrophe modeling is becoming an important tool for insurers. Learn what catastrophe models are, who creates them, and how they are used.
Andy Case, Mississippi Insurance Department
Shaveta Gupta, NAIC
Mergers and Acquisitions in the Insurance Sector: Strategies for Success
This presentation will explore the considerations that go into successfully navigating an insurance M&A deal from start to finish, including strategies for conducting due diligence, obtaining licenses and regulatory approvals and reviewing insurance-related transaction terms. Attendees will gain an understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities associated with M&A deals in the insurance sector, as well as best practices for navigating regulatory and compliance issues. This presentation will also provide an overview of the current mergers and acquisitions landscape in the insurance sector, examining the key drivers behind consolidation and the trends shaping the market.
Michael Schwartz, Norton Rose Fulbright
Divining the Range of ET Risk Positions
It’s not an illusion, and it doesn’t require foretelling the future, although it may change over time. A panel discussion of the various positions’ carriers could take on ET, and what risks they are adopting with such positions.
Latif Almanzan, Texas Department of Insurance
Benjamin Davis, Sydney Consulting
Karen Lam, Maryland Department of Insurance
Refreshment Break Sponsored By Insurance Compact

Breakout Session J
Producer Licensing and Agent Monitoring & Education
You don’t need a sixth sense to know what to look for or how to respond to issues and concerns. We’ll review agent business practices with a risk-based method. No hocus-pocus as we focus on distribution and education.
Paul Hanson, Minnesota Department of Commerce
Dave Milligan, Athene
Underwriting and Governance – Let’s “NOT” Call the Whole Thing Off!
Learn best underwriting governance practices to achieve compliance and underwriting goals.
Craig Collins, Intact Insurance
Don George, UW Consultant
Mark Worman, Texas Department of Insurance
Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo – Trick-Free Advertising!
Clear out the cobwebs! Learn how to navigate the world of Advertising as well as NAIC and state requirements while helping Marketing shine and Sales sizzle.
Maureen James, Summit Compliance Group, LLC
Naomi Quick, Fidelity & Guaranty Life Insurance Company
Surplus Lines – How to Avoid Common Mistakes in the Non-Admitted Market
Non-admitted doesn’t mean unregulated. This session will debunk some of the myths of regulating the surplus lines market and discuss common compliance concerns and how to avoid them.
Roger Osgood, Chubb
Nicole Zayac, Willkie, Farr & Gallagher
Advisory Organizations – Dive into What and How They Work
Always wanted to hear more about Advisory Organizations? Hear from our ISO and AAIS partners, as they explain what advisory organizations are. Other topics we will explore; how they are regulated differently from insurance companies, the many benefits they provide to the industry, understanding the revisions and filing process for their products.
Lori Munn, AAIS
Laura Panesso, ISO
The Not-So-Wild West: The Role of Compliance in Insurtech
InsurTech may represent the new frontier for insurance, but it doesn’t mean that they are running wild. Our panel of life insurance professionals will share insights on navigating uncharted regulatory territory and how their compliance teams decide when to let the herd roam free and when they need to corral an “innovative” idea.
Cyndi Hall, Sammons Financial Group
Stacy Koron, Ethos
Cara St. Martin, Ladder Life
Compliance After Hours
Wednesday, November 1st
Peer-To-Peer Continental Breakfast
Industry Partner Showcase
Morning Announcements
Breakout Session K
What’s New in Standard of Care Regulation (Suitability, Best Interest and the DOL)
It’s been over 15 years since the original NAIC Model Suitability in Annuities Regulation was introduced. In that time the Model has undergone 2 full revisions, we’ve had the SEC and FINRA introduce and implement Regulation BI and the Department of Labor has implemented, had tossed out and re-implemented a fiduciary rule for sales of ERISA based products. That’s a lot for a 15-year period in an industry known to move at a glacial pace. Where are we at with each of these different, but interrelated, standards of care? What is next on the horizon. We will explore these issues and what they mean for the future of selling and administering retirement products.
Zac Anshutz, Sammons Financial Group
Dave Milligan, Athene
The Federal Triagency Rule: Big Changes to HI and CI?
A deep dive into how relatively arduous Supplemental Health and Life filings were in 2022. How long does a CI filing typically take to be approved? Which state conducts the quickest reviews? Which state issues the most initial objections? What implications can we glean from these metrics?
Hunter Sexton, Sydney Consulting
Companywide Compliance – Why Compliance Matters Across Company Operations
Learn about various business units within an insurance organization and how each is key to creating a comprehensive culture of compliance.
Lee Davidson, Berkley A&H
Jeffrey Nash, The Nash Group
Roger Osgood, Chubb
Tyrone Settlemier, AmTrust Financial Services
Key Insurance Case Law, Regulatory Developments, and Industry Impact
This session will explore recent insurance case law and regulatory developments, along with the downstream impact on insurance coverage, compliance and claims handling.
Alex Harrell, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath
I’ve Got the Magic in Me: Solutions for an Authentic & Inclusive Workplace
An employer’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is increasingly important to incoming talent. In this interactive panel discussion, Gamma Iota Sigma students and alumni will share their personal experiences, insights, and ways to foster a workplace where everyone feels empowered to bring their own personal “magic” to work. Topics will include: building an inclusive culture, fairness in recruiting practices, fostering diversity at all levels, DEI accountability, and more.
Stephanie Dunstan
Kysah Khokher, GIS
Rina Valdez, GIS
Ramon Williams, GIS
Networking Break
Breakout Session L
Complaint Handling – Lessons Learned
Complaints are just a part of doing business. No matter how well our systems and procedures are, you can’t make everyone happy all the time. What can we do to mitigate the possibility of complaints occurring? We will explore what complaints are and how to properly address them when they arise. More importantly, we will look at the data behind the complaint to see how we can use information gathered from responding to complaints, to analyze trends and hopefully improve our processes in the future.
Ryan Blakeney, Mississippi Department of Insurance
Cyndi Hall, Sammons Financial Group
Dave Milligan, Athene
Say the Magic Words: RCM (For an Effective Regulatory Compliance Management Program)
Explore best practices for managing your regulatory compliance program including; dissemination of new laws and regulations, day to day regulatory reviews, advertising review, annual risk assessment, working with your business partners and internal compliance reporting.
Anita Dulmes, First Consulting & Administration
Andrea Greiber, Madison National Life Insurance Company, Inc.
Commercial Inland Marine – What Are The Different Coverages?
What is the difference between “filed” and “non-filed” classes? What are the different classes? These are some of the big questions that many of us want to understand. How to we determine what needs to be filed. What is the DOI’s take on this coverage?
David Muckerheide, Texas Department of Insurance
Lori Munn, AAIS
Privacy – There’s A Lot Going On
In this session, you will learn about various updates to EU and US Data Privacy Standards. Our panel of speakers will provide updates on GDPR and various other U.S. state laws, including recent enforcement actions. The speakers will also touch on the impact of Privacy on Cybersecurity and finally the discussion will dive into the most recent NAIC Privacy Model.
Christian Brito, Greenberg Traurig, PA
Fred Karlinsky, Greenberg Traurig, PA
NAIC and NCOIL Updates
What are the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and National Conference of Insurance Legislators (NCOIL)? What role do they play in the industry and how do their activities affect insurance laws and regulations? Join us to learn about the recent focus of both organizations and how discussions at NAIC and NCOIL may impact filing requirements and compliance activities.
Lisa Brown, APCIA
Laura Panesso, ISO