YOU can donate an item to this year’s Silent Auction being held during AICP’s premier Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado. I hope you’re able to attend conference but if not, you still can donate an item. Just simply complete the donation form and ship your item to Mr. Jason Lapham. His address is on the donation form. Please complete the donation form by Friday, August 30th and email it to [email protected]. You can ship your donation after this date but this date allows the Silent Auction committee prepare your item’s bid sheet and thank you recognition signage.
Don’t know what to donate?
In the past, companies, exhibitors, and individuals have contributed items, such as golf equipment and apparel, a Harley Davidson leather jacket, autographed sports jerseys, gift baskets, jewelry, GPS, digital cameras, gift cards, Legos, iPads, and more. Any and all donations are welcome and greatly appreciated. Please note that items without company logos tend to receive higher bids.
YOU can bid on the awesome auction items donated during the receptions and session breaks. The bid sheets and items available will be posted in the Business Partner display area.
YOU can purchase this year’s or a past year’s conference pin for just $5. The pins will be available at the Education Table, Registration Desk, or look for a AICP Member with a “Purchase Pins” badge.
YOU can simply donate if none of the Silent Auction items or conference pin excites you.
YOU can participate in the second annual CHARITY SERVICE DAY being held right at the host conference hotel on Sunday morning September 22nd from 8:30 to 11:30. We’ll be assisting the selected charity, “2Hearts” with assembling golf outing goodie bags and prepping for shipping their kid’s book entitled “Connecting At the Heart”. This book was written and illustrated by the very same kids the charity helps. YOU can register for this SERVICE Day via the annual conference registration form personal information page. Please look for the below line item and select “yes”. If you have already registered for conference and missed this item, you can modify your conference registration via the information page.
I plan on attending the Sunday Service Day event
• Yes
• No
YOUR above generosity and help is all for a very good cause. You’re helping this year’s selected charity “2Hearts” continue the awesome work they do with educating teens diagnosed with congenital heart disease while supporting their journey from childhood to adulthood.
The Silent Auction Committee hopes you will again participate in one or more of the above opportunities to help support this very worthy charity, 2HEARTS.
Michael Hollar
Silent Auction Sub-Committee Chair