The Northwest Chapter hosted a “Meet the Regulator” event on Thursday, 2/20/2020. The all-day event was held at the Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC). The event began with a Deputy Roundtable with Deputies from the Washington OIC’s Company Supervision, Legal Affairs, Policy and Legislation, and Consumer Protection Divisions. The topics of discussion included the focus of each Division, NAIC Committees that the OIC participates in, data calls, implementation credits and performance, annuity suitability, illustrations, complaints, enforcement, and bills that are like to pass in the legislature. The day continued with presentations from the OIC’s Consumer Advocacy Program; the Regulatory Investigations Unit; the Financial Examinations Unit; Rates, Forms & Provider Networks Division; Legal Affairs Division; and Market Conduct Oversight Unit. There was time during each presentation for the 27 attendees to ask questions of the regulators. The Northwest Chapter would like to take this opportunity to thank our Washington regulators for their time and for Ned Gaines, VP of the Northwest Chapter, for coordinating this event.