It’s that time again, Spring has sprung and the AICP is looking for nominations for both Chapter and National Positions. Members may nominate any other member or members they feel are qualified or nominate themselves. As approved by the Board, nominations are open and will remain open until July 6th.
At the National Level, candidates are needed for the offices of Secretary (two-year commitment) and Vice President (three-year commitment). Regional Director Positions are open in the Great Lakes, Gulf States, Midwest, Northwest, and Western Chapters, and at the Chapter level, candidates are needed for most offices.
We encourage our members to get involved. One of the ways is to run for a leadership role within the AICP, at either the National or Chapter level. It is a very rewarding and career-enriching experience.
If you are interested in running and want to know more about any open positions, please feel free to contact anyone currently serving on the National Board or on a Chapter Board. Current leadership contact information for the national board and your chapter officers can be found in the links on the Leadership page under the tab “About AICP” on our website.
We encourage you to reach out to other AICP members whom you may know. Sometimes, all it may take is a little encouragement and to be asked. It is how many of us got involved, by being asked by another member. Now you can consider yourself as being asked!
The Nomination Committee
More information, including a detailed list of open positions, can be found here.