Meet Your Regulator
I would like to introduce you to Ms. Lindsi Swartz, Director of the Life, Accident and Health Insurance Bureau of the Pennsylvania Insurance Department (PID) where she oversees life, accident, and health rate and policy form review.
(at the Capitol in Harrisburg, PA)
Background. Lindsi began her career at the PID as an insurance market conduct examiner focused on property and casualty insurance. Soon after, she followed her passion into health insurance and eventually became an Examiner-in-Charge leading comprehensive and complex Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) examinations. Lindsi now has seven years of experience regulating the health insurance industry.
Formal Education. Lindsi graduated summa cum laude (with highest honors) from Eastern University in Pennsylvania with a B.S. in Business Administration and also received a Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a focus in Healthcare. She holds the Market Conduct Management (MCM) designation awarded through the Insurance Regulatory Examiners Society.
What about your Informal Education? Lindsi has served as a member of the PA team in the Commercial Parity Policy Academy provided through the Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
She also was a key collaborator in the PA state-based parity working group and helped design the current parity analysis templates being utilized by the PID.
From 2019-2022 she served as a Supervisor and MHPAEA Specialist for Risk & Regulatory Consulting, LLC, where in addition to serving in a government consulting role, she also presented nationally to state and federal regulators on MHPAEA to further advance the realization of the law.
Additionally, she served on the Board of Directors for the Insurance Regulatory Examiners Society (IRES) for one year.
What events in your life taught you the most ?
The biggest and most impactful events in her life that taught her the most were having 3 children with her husband. All 3 of her children have special needs and vary in their autism spectrum disorder. Lindsi’s children are 11, 7 and 3 years of age. She has learned a lot both in terms of caring for someone with special needs and by personally seeing the impact of the healthcare services provided to her children from specialists to assist in socialization, communication, physical movement, learning skills and other developmental milestones.
Having access to healthcare services like these have shown her how her kids, and others, can thrive, even when statistical odds suggest otherwise. Her oldest daughter didn’t learn to speak until after age 6, through much hard work and perseverance of course, and with support from her family and the medical community. Lindsi takes pride celebrating all of the victories, whether big or small. While the days can be difficult, she considers the experience of being their mother a reward.
Who is/was your favorite personal or professional mentor ? What did they do to impact your life?
Lindsi has had some great mentors during her career. She credits former PA Insurance Commissioner Teresa Miller as one of them. Both formally and informally, she has been mentored by people at the PID including legal counsel, deputy commissioners and directors, and within the insurance industry, including other state regulators and women who share a passion for health equity. For Lindsi, one of the most important lessons learned and demonstrated through these professional relationships is how women can build up other women and the benefits of that practice. Additionally, each of these mentors made it their personal goal to inspire future generations.
How did you come into the insurance business? What brought you to the regulatory aspect of insurance?
Insurance selected her. Lindsi knew she wanted to be a civil servant. Her grandmother was a state government employee and she was a very charitable person. By observing her grandmother’s life, Lindsi saw the benefits and rewards of being a civil servant and helping others. She went to the PA government website, took the civil service placement test, and received a call back from the Insurance Department. The rest, as they say, is history.
Are you a member of AICP? If so, when did you join?
Lindsi joined the AICP as of September 2022. She joined for the relationship and networking opportunities the AICP provides. As the AICP brings together regulators and industry it provides members with opportunities to hear and learn others’ perspectives which she appreciates.
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not a state regulator?
Lindsi and her family enjoy camping trips and having outdoor adventures. Her family has a country campsite where they are able to go hiking, fishing, and on golf cart safari trails riding around looking for wildlife. She enjoys reading books and is attempting to learn a new language in her free time. She is also a gardener with flowers and an assortment of fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. With her children’s assistance in the garden, sometimes the berries do not always make it into the house!
What outside groups are you active with (i.e. Chamber of Commerce, Quilting Club, book group, charities, hospital foundation, etc.)? Do you volunteer in your community? For whom? What do you do for them? Why do you find satisfaction in that work?
Lindsi is an active member of IRES.
She also belongs and participates in the local autism community organizations. This is where she learns and shares tips and tricks with other families.
What personal or family milestones are you looking forward to?
As her family is running out of room in their little country home, she is about to sell that house and is looking to buy a home big enough for her family of five and their new puppy named Snoopy, adopted from a local rescue in January of 2022.
Do you have a “Guiding Star” (i.e., a phrase or mantra that describes your outlook/approach to life)?
Lindsi credits her high school guidance counselor for sharing with her a common goal of: “Shining a light into dark places and making the world a little brighter.”
She also holds dear to her a quote by Maya Angelou: “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor and some style.”
Thank you, Lindsi, for sharing yourself with the members of the AICP. The industry members of the AICP appreciate to learn that regulators are real people, too. We hope your light continues to shine for you and your family! And, good luck in the search for a larger home for your family.
Respectfully submitted by Karen Crooks