Mid-Atlantic Chapter E-Day
On June 22nd, join the Mid-Atlantic Chapter’s first E-day hosted at a college campus!
Sessions include Regulators from Mid-Atlantic Chapter states, including John Finston from the New York DFS as our keynote speaker, as well as regulators from VA, MD, and PA!
Please mark your calendars and book your travel for this extraordinary opportunity to meet with regulators, hear the latest hot topics, network, and have some fun!
Registration Fees
(Breakfast, Refreshment breaks, Educational program, and Lunch are included in registration fees)
Members: $150
Non-Members $200
Regulators $75
Students $25
Thursday, June 22, 2023
7:00 am to 4:00 pm
Registration starts at 7:00 am
Breakfast starts at 7:45 am
First Session begins at 8:20 am
Fordham Law School
Costantino & Bateman Rooms
150 West 62nd Street
New York, NY 10023
Fordham Law School, located on the upper west side of Manhattan, is only a 20 minute trip from either Penn Station (A or C train) and Grand Central (B or D train from Rockefeller Center).
Planning to come in the night before? We have secured a discounted room rate at the Empire Hotel, just a 5 minute walk to the Fordham Law School campus.
Online Registration: Click here
The best available rate is $269
Join the Mid-Atlantic Chapter Board on June 21 at 6pm at the Empire Hotel bar for an informal happy hour!
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