The AICP offers its members a Job Bank. This Bank is a job posting service for insurance industry positions that may be of interest to AICP members. Positions remain posted for 60 days.

In addition, members may subscribe to a Broadcast Email Alert system for the Job Bank; members receive an email notification when new positions are posted.

Recruiters and Non-Members may post to the Job Bank service under the following conditions.

  • The client must be revealed. We will not publish open positions that do not clearly show the name of the company seeking to fill the position. This protects our members from releasing confidential information to companies that they may not wish to contact.
  • The current fee is $25 per posting. This fee may change without notice. Payment must be received before listings can be posted.

Employment Recruiters may post to the AICP Job Bank service under the following condition: We will not publish open positions that do not clearly show the name of the company seeking to fill the role.

This protects our members from releasing confidential information to companies that they may not wish to contact. The current fee is $25 per posting. Payment must be received before listings can be posted (fee may change without notice).