Are you normally high on compliance but are in a low place because of a specific issue you don’t have the answer to? Well why not try to regain that high by getting those answers on the AICP Opening Day Question and Answer Sessions.
That’s right, you have the compliance blues because of that issue you just don’t know quite how to handle. Let us help you mellow out and find a solution? How? By accessing and leveraging the vast experience that other compliance professionals have on a variety of topics! Join us and attend the Life, Health and Annuity or the P&C Question and Answer sessions at the upcoming 2019 AICP Annual Conference in Denver. These are interactive sessions where you present your questions and then find possible solutions from your fellow compliance professionals.
These sessions will be held on the opening day, Sunday, September 22rd, starting at 1:00 pm. In order for these sessions to be successful we need your help. Not only do we need you to attend and provide answers, but first we need your questions.
You can submit questions for the Q&A sessions before Friday 9/20/2019 by clicking here.
Then join us for the actual sessions. The answers and solutions you find might just be what you need to regain that Rocky Mountain High feeling!!
These sessions need your questions in order to be successful; submit any questions today!
We’re High on Compliance in Denver 2019!!