“Everything Starts & Stops with Motivation; How to Develop the Inner Sales Motivator Within”
Presented by Doug Dvorak
Speaker, Author, Consultant
How to succeed in life and business–Just count the ways…
Forget tough. Today, competition is fierce! It takes more to succeed in business than just having a smart competitive strategy, good reputation, and a top-notch product or service. In reality, a company’s human capital holds the key to sustainable, long-term growth. Businesses don’t do business–people do. They create the force that ensures an organization’s successful future. These individuals hold the solutions to problems, the ways to improve motivation, productivity, the creativity to enhance products and services, and the insight that the company needs to move forward.
These goals become a reality if dynamic motivation is displayed and every executive and manager treats their employees as well as they treat their most important customers. Smart business owners and managers know that without the full support of their employees, no initiative can succeed, nor can any individual leader achieve their goals.